Desktop IDE

Monokle Desktop is the only IDE dedicated to high-quality Kubernetes YAML configurations

For engineers looking to improve their Monokle Cloud experience on GitHub
For teams automating the validation of their configurations on GitHub
github action
For engineers adding extensive resource validation in their existing workflows
cli based kubernetes tool
For engineers that create and maintain high-quality Kubernetes Deployments
Deployment to yaml files
Monokle helps you create, preview and validate high-quality Kustomize overlays - before deploying them to your clusters
Monokle helps you create, preview and validate high-quality Helm Charts - before deploying them to your clusters
Monokle has built in support for Istio CRDs - making it easy to create and validate these before you deploy them to your cluster
Monokle has built in support for Cert-Manager CRDs - making it easy to create and validate these before you deploy them to your cluster
Monokle has built in support for Sealed Secrets - making it easy to validate these right before you deploy them to your cluster
Monokle uses the same security and performance policies as the popular Trivvy tool
Monokle uses OPA to validate your Kubernetes manifests against common security and performance rules and policies
security permissions for clusters by open policy agent
Monokle ensures the quality of your Flux GitOps repositories - before reconciling them with your clusters
Flux integration
Monokle has extensive support for learning CRDs in your configurations and clusters, including CR validation and generation, generated Forms and syntax highlighting
Monokle ensures the quality of your ArgoCD GitOps repositories - before reconciling them with your clusters
Argo kubernetes deployment templates
Monokle can visualize and validate the output YAMLs of any command-line tool, including CDK8s
CDK8s logo
Monokle can visualize and validate the output YAMLs of any command-line tool, including
tank k8s integration
Monokle can visualize and validate the output YAMLs of any command-line tool, including KPT
kpt integration logo

Explore, Create and Validate K8s YAML resources and their relationships using k8s-aware editors, validation engines and visualisation components.

Connect to your Clusters to inspect, troubleshoot and fix live resources.

Dry-run Helm Charts and Kustomize Overlays to debug and validate their output before committing or deploying them.

Take the pain out of K8s manifest creation and exploration


  • Low to no-YAML resource generation.
  • Leverage Templates for easy and consistent resource creation.
  • Direct resource editing with Forms and k8s aware source editors.
  • Use Schemas and CRDs for additional resource generation.


  • Quickly see the differences across Git branches and/or repositories.
  • Compare resources across namespaces and clusters.
  • Identify and understand the differences between your local configuration and what's running in cluster.

Validate your K8s templates and resources before you commit


  • Real-time visibility of validation and configuration errors and policy compliance with provided context for faster troubleshooting.
  • Set up custom validation policies in line with your project or team requirements.
  • Hook the output of any CLI tool into Monokles validation capabilities.

End-to-End Tools To Support Entire Manifest Lifecycle

  • Create K8s YAML configurations using templates and CRDs.
  • Compare & preview K8s resources, including dry-runs of Helm and Kustomize.
  • Analyze resource relationships, configurations, & policy compliance in the pre-deployment stage.
  • Commit to Git and automate deployment workflows.
  • Inspect and manage cluster.